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Tata’u-raa himene NESTAR MOOREA
(Voir les photos) E naho'a rahi o tei tairuru mai i teie aru'i tata'u-raa himene NESTAR i Afareaitu Moorea. Na mua a'e e tae atu ai i teie aru'i, ua faatupu hia a'e na te titi'araa i te mau taure'are'a.…
Christmas 2008
In order to celebrate with dignity the end of the year ,the Puna Reo spent its Christmas in mountain ,at the place called "the three coconut tree"(Aroa Vaianae),and had dinner under its "fare potee"(local house) by watching some films about the…
Puea’s birthday
Small party for Puea's birthday animated by the Puna Reo (See the pictures )
Te ‘oro’a fanauraa o Puea
E 'oa'oa rahi to te mau tamarii o te Puna Reo i te faahanahanaraa i te 'oro'a fanauraa o Puea. 'Aita roa o Puea i ite noa a'e i te faaineine raa hia teie 'oro'a. O Puea o te ho'e…
TV5 at the Puna Reo
The Puna Reo was pleased to meet the lovely team of Christiane Succab-Goldman,who came to film our workshops that are held every saturday and who direct for TV5 several 52 minutes documentries about the other ultramarines… (Check pictures)
Te taiete France 5 i te Puna Reo
Ua òaòa roa te Puna Reo i te faariiraa ia Christiane Succab-Goldman e tä na pupu taviri hohoà o tei haere mai i te Puna Reo no te täviri i te mau tapura òhipa e faanahohia ra i te mahana mäa…
Great night of Matarii,this tahitian "new year" that celebrates the beginning of the abundant period ,and that coincides with the appearance of the pleiads during the sunset. Songs,dances ,fire of joy,ceremony of the kava and small illuminated rafts that were…
Matarii matahiti 2008
Ua faahanahana te mau tamarii e te mau metua o te Puna Reo i te oro'a Matarii i ni'a. E hao'a rahi o tei 'amui mai mâ te 'a'au tae. Ua faanaho hia te 'oro'a no te 'AVA e…
Mourning time for Puna Reo
A great soul of the Maohi World, Papa Matarau, great orator of French Polynesia and Puna Reo mentor, left us on the night of Friday the 3rd of October 2008. A very moving moment, when we presented our prayers, our…
Te oto nei to Puna reo
I te mahana pae 3 no Atopa 2008, I faarue mai ai o Papa Matarau ia tatou. O te ho'e ho'i teie o te mau Tahua nui o te Ao maohi, ite hia 'oia no ta na mau orero e…