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Présentation of the movie to the town council
The mayor ,Raymon Van Bastoler started the town council with the representatives of the association Puna Reo Piha’e’ina who came to present the outcome of our trip in New Zealand trough a movie. The movie shown in the front of…
Te pu’ohuraa o te tere o te Puna reo i Aotearoa
Ua tae roa atu te mau ti’a faatere o te taatiraa Puna Reo i mua i te Apooraa oire no Moorea no te pata raa atu i te ho’e hoho’a pu’ohuraa i te tere o na 38 tamarii apee hia…
Présentation of our movie to the assembly
The Puna Reo presented the movie about its New-Zealand trip ,inside one of the Assembly rooms ,with the presence of Jean Marius RAAPOTO,president of the education territorial committee and some representatives of the educational and cultural sectors. The reception…
Te faaineineraa i te Faaiteiteraa i te Apooraa Rahi
Pataraa hoho’a i te Apooraa RahiNa roto i te ho’e titau manihini raa a Marius Raapoto tane, peretiteni no te tomite roto o te Hiro’a tumu, ua tae atu ia te Puna Reo i roto i teie rururaa faaineineraa i…
The Puna Reo received by the president of the assembly
The Puna Reo offered Jacqui Drollet ,President of the French Polynesia Assembly ,a DVD that contains a account of picturing about our experience with the Maori immersion education. We had the opportunity to discuss about certain details that could be…
Te farerei nei te Puna Reo i te peretiteni o te Apooraa rahi
Ua farii mai o Jacqui Drollet, peretiteni o te Fare Apoora rahi i te mau ti’a faatere o te taatiraa Puna Reo. Ua pupu hia atu i te ho’e hoho’a roro uira no te tere o te taatiraa i Aotearoa.…
Nice end for the holiday camp 2011
After one full month ,the holiday center ended in a magnificent way. Last friday,in the enchanting surrounding of the Marae Pererau , the kids and some parents experienced the research of the polynesian ancestors trough some explanations and archaelogy…
Te tau faafa’earaa a te mau tamarii
Ua tupu iho nei te faafa’earaa a te mau tamarii o te Puna Reo i Paopao i teie ‘ava’e tiurai i mahemo a’e nei! Ho’e ava’e i te maoro, ua tae rahi mai te mau tamarii i te faito 60…
A poem for Hepa
Haruru otu’i mai nei te reo tavevovevo e: Résonne lourdement un echo : A thunderid voice echoes heavily Ua mate… Ua mate… Ua mate… Il nous a quitté, quitté, quitté… He’s gone, gone, gone…. Ua mate teie Tamaiti !…
E i pehepehe a’e na ‘oe e Hepa
Haruru otu'i mai nei te reo tavevovevo e:Ua mate... Ua mate... Ua mate... Ua mate teie Tamaiti !Ua mate teie Mootua!Ua mate teie Hoa iti !Ua mate teie 'Aito iti no te 'Âti Te Arawa!Ua mate teie Iho no te…