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Te matahiti 2006, e matahiti ïa no te rēni nati reva
No teie matahiti 2006 i maìri iho nei, tē haamauruuru maitaì nei matou ia Mana o tei horoà mai i te raveà na matou no te fanaò i te nati reva, na reira atoà te rēni Èi nati reva,…
2006, the year of the internet
For the previous year 2006, we would like to thank Mana, ,who offered to the Puna Reo its access to the internet and the space needed for its website, .The internet has allowed the kids to visit the Puna…
Matahiapo of Paopao
(chek the pictures) The feet in the sand of the fare potee,the matahiapo appreciated the traditional meal prepared by the Puna Reo ,then sang happily…
Matahiapo no Paopao
(A hiò mai i te mau hohoà) Te taahiraa i nià i te vauvau one o te fare potee, àita atu ai. Terä mäa iti tahiti i faaineinehia mai e te Puna Reo, e tera maa himene iti, àuë i te…
The 20th of November,the polynesian festival for the appearance of the pleiads ,was celebrated with dignity… {check the pictures}
Òroà no Matarii
{mosimage} I te 20 no Novema ra, ua faahanahana-atoà-hia te òroà no Matarii i te Puna Reo nei.
Chrismas day at the Puna Reo
(check the pictures){mosimage} The kids and the older children spent a good night ,sang ,laughed,received some presents ,ate well and danced as well!
Te Noera a te Puna Reo
(A mātaìtaì i te hohoà){mosimage} Ua faatupuhia te tahi àruì Noera na te mau tamarii e te mau taureà. Ua himenemene, ua àtaàta, ua tāmāa maitaì e ua òri atoà hoì ratou.
Activities for the children
(chek the pictures) From the 18th to the 22nd sptember 2006,the members of the Puna Reo organised a week of cultural activities.
Faaànànataeraa na te mau tamarii
(Voir les photos) Mai te 18 e tae mai i te 22 no Tetepa matahiti 2006, ua faanaho mai te mau rautī o te Puna Reo i te tahi mau faaànànataeraa na te mau tamarii. Ua haapaòhia mai te tahi…