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Cultural holidays with the Puna Reo!

Visite et apprentissage au CRIOBE

(Voir les photos

After Rurutu in 2008 and Makemo in 2009 ,the Puna Reo holidays center (holidays center without accomodation  )took place in the Paopao infant school.

 The kids could benefit from our beautiful island of Moorea and its beaches, hiked , learned many things  about the marae ,visited the CRIOBE where the life of the lagoon was explained to them.The kids visited  as well the turtles and the dolphins at the hotel Intercontinental Moorea  ,met some archaelogists on a  marae that is being built , did many activities and games by learning songs ,dances,legends and culinary arts.



Some members of the  PGEM association ,of the Moorea-Maiao town hall and the federation Aimeho Tou Ora came as well to increase the  public  awareness ,trough games and explanations ,about the need to protect our natural ressources.

To end with a flourish ,a last evening was organised with the parents who could see the achievements and the experiences of their kids .The parents especially saw the joys of their kids when they played the last time with the friends they met during those three  intense weeks .

The Puna Reo is therefore proud to have achieve its objectives:giving to the kids some basic knowledges about  the tahitian language ,to make them know some elements of our  polynesian cultural inheritance and to make them aware of the environment conservation  in a stimulating  ambiance and with educational activities.

 A french couple told us :"Our kids  are happy,so we are happy  too,they came back every day with their sparkling eyes and with many stories to tell.They integrated very well ,we are happy that they had the opportunity to learn the culture of the country in which they were born .They already understand  the tahitian better than us!"

 Some children who got in contact with the Puna Reo for the first time will have the pleasure to meet again the others in the cultural workshops  that will be held every saturday during the year.

The aim of the Puna Reo is to make the man and women proud of their culture,to show that the traditional culture  can be at tne center of our life.


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