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The Puna Reo at the summit of Rurutu-


The summer camp of the Puna Reo of Moorea experienced great times in the island of Rurutu,thanks to the warm and fraternal welcome from  the menbers of the association Moeave'au and the population ,who spared no effort to share their culture and to make the children experience unforgettable things …



( Voir les photos )

Thanks to the mayor ,M.Riveta ,and to the committee of the experts Toohitu ,for their logistical help .They made available to us  a bus ,helps from the employees of the town hall(municipality) and several authorizations .The holiday camp was accomodated at the Moerai school ,using as well the kitchen ,thanks to the school  principal  ,mrs Riveta Nuupure.

The Puna Reo  started  its stay in the island of Rurutu  by the successful raising of a ritual rock of 130 kg ,allowing the children to learn about the tradition of people who raise sacred rocks.The children could as well hear the stories from Teiarau Moeiau ,the last  whale hunter ,visit the caves and the marae , have a look at the dances and  listen some songs ,learn about the culture of the taro(local fruit) and the weaving ,have a look at  the preparation of the coffee ,fish the tarao(local fish),and climb the summit of Rurutu ,on the mountain Manureva,in order to appreciate the beauty of the island.

It is then a satisfied holiday camp that is coming back to Moorea ,with  many souvenirs and new friendships .She would like to thank Avril ,Abel,Hiro,Monia and all the others ,and looks forward to seeing them in December ,for a traditional welcome at the Puna Reo and a one week cultural exchange to strengthen the ties created and to  prepare their futur trips toghetther .

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